RedFlags API Documentation


The purpose of the RedFlags API is to make the data collected by the RedFlags project available in a structured and automatically processable format outside the RedFlags web page. The API provides information about the collected notices and organizations in JSON format. You can access the service through HTTP requests, and the query parameters must be placed in the GET parameters of each request. The response JSON object stores the entity data or entity list in a result attribute. If it is a list, the result object has a count attribute, which stores the size of the result list. You can use the following requests and related parameters to make up the query you need.

Access authority

In order to use RedFlags API you need registration by filling the registration form. As a result of the registration you will receive an e-mail containing your unique API key. You must place your key in the "access_token" parameter of each request. The API key provides your personal access to the service, please don't pass it on.

Query for notice data

Query for notice list

Query for organization data

Query for organization list


Each request has a limitation for the returned number of records. In the count parameter you can set the maximum number of records that can be displayed in a screen at once. If the query returns a bigger dataset, this will be divided into pages. The actual page number can be set by the page parameter of the request.

Pagination links appear in the links object of the returned JSON with the following keys:

If the dataset has no previous or next page, the corresponding attributes will have null value. The default value for count is 10 and its maximum value is 50.

Response messages

The API provides information messages in a message JSON object. It has a title member which contains the text of the message. For example, if the query has no result, the user will be informed the following way:

Error messages

If there are errors during the query or there are invalid parameters in the request URL, the errors object will contain information about the type of the error. The error object may contain the following attributes:

When a single request generates multiple errors the server will add each error to the errors array. For example, the request below has unparseable date format and invalid document type.

The following example shows the response when a required parameter is missing from the request.


In case you find a mistake or you have any questions, you can contact us here:

info @ redflags . eu